Friday, October 31, 2008

You never let go..

so today the only song i can think of is david crowder's "You never let go."

i started off my day reading a chapter from the solo Bible. it is really cool. goes through a section of scripture and helps you to "read, think, pray, live" and gives you a paragraph of each with things for you to do.

anywho.. the one i chose today was about when God let moses see His glory. pretty amazing. the "read" section for the passage suggested going through slowly and really thinking about one or two phrases or words that reveal a bit of God to you. what stuck out to me was when God asked moses to come RIGHT BESIDE HIM. i thought this was really beautiful and it reminded me of how much God likes us. He loves us enough to not give up on us when we keep chosing sin over Him.

He doesn't let go. ever faithful. ever true. the God that created the earth wants us right beside Him and He is not willing to give up on or let go of His children. let us be thankful.

o what joy.

o what love.

my soul fills with hope.

He never lets go.

You never let go.

Monday, October 27, 2008


it's amazing how you can be so ready and pumped to do something and then somehow it just leaves you. i just did 1100 words of a 1500 word essay and i can't get back in the zone after a long lunch break. lame. i need to get to it. only 400 words to do. i can do this!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


the past few days have been a true gift from God. just really enjoying the people around me and have been deeply reminded of how much i am blessed.

i think it is one of the most important things we can do for our souls- to sit down and think about the condition of our hearts and where we are with God. lately when i sit down and think about things, i feel really content.. which is so amazing because last year i was so unsure about everything. as much as i tried, i couldn't get my act together with God. i was a reed blowing in the wind and i needed to own where i was in order to move on but i just tried to be ok without dealing with anything. thankfully, a man i greatly respect told me to "move forward" this summer. for some reason, when he said this, something clicked in my heart. i sat down with God and talked seriously about things and owned the fact that i wasn't where i needed to be. since then i have really been trying to do well, trusting God that He knows what's best for me and that He loves me more than i can fathom. it is so important to ponder the truths of this God that we serve. it will humble you and remind you of why you started this whole "Jesus thing.." in the first place. God is so good and has blessed us all so much. we deserve nothing but have everything offered to us in Christ. beautiful.

Friday, October 24, 2008

sunny days in northern ireland..

are not that common. please get out and enjoy it!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

made in the image of God..

class today was pretty great. you see, i am in this module called "introduction to pastoral theology" and it is absolutely amazing. today we talked about the image of God and focused on community. this idea of man and woman being made in the image of God just blows me away.

the thought that i, in all of my brokenness, still bear the image of the Creator of the universe is so incredible. in Genesis 1, God said "let Us make man (in Hebrew the word for man is the generic term for mankind, so that may help your thinking a bit for this idea of community) in OUR image, after OUR likeness... so God created man in His image... male and female He created them." wow. trinity. God's complete image is that of community. Father, Son, and Spirit, living in perfect unity and submission. and when He created us that was His plan for His people. man and woman were made in His image. on our own, we are not the complete image and that's really beautiful. to me, that says that we are not made to be alone. we are made to live in community. we are called to live in fellowship. man and woman are the image of God and when we come together, living in unity and submission to one another, we bring glory to God because we are living as He created us to.

that's all fine and good and it is something lovely to think about, just like most theology.. but it should change the way we think and the way we live. i want to always remember that on my own, i am not complete. i need God and i need people. and i need to love people better than i do right now. we are all made in the image of God and that is something that demands great respect. i want to love every person i come into contact with and remember that their Creator loves them, too.

a new beginning..

so i feel like it's quite silly to assume that i am interesting enough to have a blog. but i thought it could be fun for the people in detroit to read and see where i'm at and how i'm doing with things on the other side of the pond.

also i think it would be good for me to just have another outlet to think things through. i have benefited from reading others thoughts in their blogs so maybe you can get a little something out of mine. we'll see.

sorry if it's not interesting or anything. but sure. :)