Friday, October 31, 2008

You never let go..

so today the only song i can think of is david crowder's "You never let go."

i started off my day reading a chapter from the solo Bible. it is really cool. goes through a section of scripture and helps you to "read, think, pray, live" and gives you a paragraph of each with things for you to do.

anywho.. the one i chose today was about when God let moses see His glory. pretty amazing. the "read" section for the passage suggested going through slowly and really thinking about one or two phrases or words that reveal a bit of God to you. what stuck out to me was when God asked moses to come RIGHT BESIDE HIM. i thought this was really beautiful and it reminded me of how much God likes us. He loves us enough to not give up on us when we keep chosing sin over Him.

He doesn't let go. ever faithful. ever true. the God that created the earth wants us right beside Him and He is not willing to give up on or let go of His children. let us be thankful.

o what joy.

o what love.

my soul fills with hope.

He never lets go.

You never let go.


Jamie Rollwagen said...

it is so amazing. i will never understand it. our weak love somehow catches His heart. good reminder.

nugget said...

Nice post. Been thinking about GRace some lately and to really understand that God wants us to approach him unconditionally is amazing